Welcome to the Parish of Great Chesham. We are a group of seven Anglican churches working together in and around Chesham. Please follow the links to each individual church (see photos of churches) to find out more about what they're doing. You'll also find information here about getting married, organising a funeral or having a child baptised. We look forward to welcoming you at one of our churches soon.
Many of our services are being broadcast on YouTube, click on this link to find them http://bit.ly/Cheshamchurches
Safeguarding Officer: Rachel Meldrum safeguard@greatchesham.org.uk 01494 782783
Diocesan Safeguarding Team: Stuart Nimmo, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor – stuart.nimmo@oxford.anglican.org or 01865 20829
Contact WebmasterRegistered Charity no: 1129438